
In 1976 I designed the 31-foot cutter Monsoon (since re-rigged as a sloop). Construction began in the spring of 1976, and she was launched in the summer of 1978. She hasn't missed a season since then and still flies most of her original sails. She's had several brushes with hurricanes (while moored) but has escaped with only minor damage (must be the lucky name).

She has never had an engine, although she's sometimes barged around by her dinghy, using a small outboard. She has been moored in Noak, Connecticut, for the past 20 years. Although she has never made the long ocean passages for which she was built, she has proven a good sea boat on several shorter voyages. Portholes and pulpits were added after her first season, as was a full interior, with berths for four.

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